Package net.sf.freecol.common.model

FreeCol Game Model package

This package contains the game model, which describes how the individual game objects, such as units, buildings, tiles and so on, interact. The model is extended by the server and used by the client. It should be independent of all packages outside of the common hierarchy.

The superclass of most model objects is FreeColObject, which provides serialization. The FreeColObject is identified by an ID, which is generally unique. The Feature class and its descendants is a notable exception to this rule, however, since Features with similar effects are provided by various model objects and are grouped by their ID. A fur production bonus, for example, might be granted by a Tile Type, a Unit Type and a Founding Father.

The main model objects inherit from the FreeColGameObject, which contains a reference to the Game class. Many model objects have a type, which inherits from the FreeColGameObject. Units have a UnitType, for example. These Game Object Types are defined by the Specification, which is loaded from an XML file when the game starts up.
