Class LandMap

  • public class LandMap
    extends java.lang.Object
    A class to encapsulate a binary land map.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private RandomUtils.RandomIntCache cache
      A cached random integer source.
      private int height
      The map height.
      private static java.util.logging.Logger logger  
      private boolean[][] map
      The land map.
      private int numberOfLandTiles
      Number of land tiles on the map.
      private int width
      The map width.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private int addLandMass​(int minSize, int maxSize, int x, int y, int distanceToEdge)
      Create a new land mass (unconnected to existing land masses) of size up to maxSize, and adds it to the current map if it is at least minSize.
      private void addPolarRegions()
      Add land to the polar map rows at the top and bottom of the map, with height determined by Map.POLAR_HEIGHT.
      private void cleanMap()
      Remove any 1x1 islands on the map.
      private void createClassicLandMap​(int distanceToEdge, int minNumberOfTiles)
      Create the standard FreeCol land map.
      private void generate​(int type, int distanceToEdge, int minNumberOfTiles)
      Generate the land map using the given generator type.
      int getHeight()
      Get the height of the land map.
      int getWidth()
      Get the width of the land map.
      private void growLand​(int x, int y, int distanceToEdge)
      Determines, based on position, number of adjacent land tiles and some random factor, whether a given map position should be set to land.
      private boolean hasAdjacentLand​(int x, int y)
      Do the given coordinates correspond to a location in the land map with adjacent land? Note: does not check the tile at the coordinates itself.
      boolean hasLand()
      Is there any land in this land map?
      boolean isLand​(int x, int y)
      Is there land on this map at a given xy coordinate?
      boolean isValid​(int x, int y)
      Is an xy coordinate valid on this map?
      private java.util.List<Map.Position> newPositions​(Map.Position position, int distanceToEdge)
      Get the positions surrounding a central position that are potential valid land positions.
      private boolean setLand​(int x, int y)
      Set a map position to land, and increase the land tile count.
      private void setLand​(int x, int y, int distanceToEdge)
      Sets a given map position to land and grow outward.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • logger

        private static final java.util.logging.Logger logger
      • width

        private final int width
        The map width.
      • height

        private final int height
        The map height.
      • map

        private boolean[][] map
        The land map. True means land.
      • numberOfLandTiles

        private int numberOfLandTiles
        Number of land tiles on the map.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LandMap

        public LandMap​(int width,
                       int height,
                       RandomUtils.RandomIntCache cache)
        Create a new land map with specified dimensions.
        width - The map width.
        height - The map height.
        cache - A pseudo random number source.
      • LandMap

        public LandMap​(Map map,
                       RandomUtils.RandomIntCache cache)
        Create a land map by importing it from a given map.
        map - The Map to get the land map from.
        cache - A pseudo random number source.
      • LandMap

        public LandMap​(OptionGroup mgo,
                       RandomUtils.RandomIntCache cache)
        Create a new land map using parameters from a supplied map generator options option group.
        mgo - The map generator OptionGroup to use.
        cache - A pseudo random number source.
    • Method Detail

      • getWidth

        public final int getWidth()
        Get the width of the land map.
        The map width.
      • getHeight

        public final int getHeight()
        Get the height of the land map.
        The map height.
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid​(int x,
                               int y)
        Is an xy coordinate valid on this map?
        x - The x coordinate.
        y - The y coordinate.
        True if there coordinate is valid.
      • isLand

        public boolean isLand​(int x,
                              int y)
        Is there land on this map at a given xy coordinate?
        x - The x coordinate.
        y - The y coordinate.
        True if there is land present.
      • hasLand

        public boolean hasLand()
        Is there any land in this land map?
        True if any land is present.
      • setLand

        private boolean setLand​(int x,
                                int y)
        Set a map position to land, and increase the land tile count.
        x - The x coordinate of the new land.
        y - The y coordinate of the new land.
        True if the land tile was set.
      • setLand

        private void setLand​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int distanceToEdge)
        Sets a given map position to land and grow outward. Calls #growLand(int,int) for all valid adjacent map positions, which may recursively call setLand for these.
        x - The x coordinate of the new land.
        y - The y coordinate of the new land.
        distanceToEdge - The preferred distance to the map edge.
      • generate

        private final void generate​(int type,
                                    int distanceToEdge,
                                    int minNumberOfTiles)
        Generate the land map using the given generator type.
        type - The generator type.
        minNumberOfTiles - The minimum land tiles to generate.
        distanceToEdge - The preferred distance to the map edge.
      • createClassicLandMap

        private void createClassicLandMap​(int distanceToEdge,
                                          int minNumberOfTiles)
        Create the standard FreeCol land map.
        distanceToEdge - The nominal edge clearance.
        minNumberOfTiles - Lower bound for the tiles to create.
      • addPolarRegions

        private void addPolarRegions()
        Add land to the polar map rows at the top and bottom of the map, with height determined by Map.POLAR_HEIGHT. FIXME: Make POLAR_HEIGHT an option.
      • cleanMap

        private void cleanMap()
        Remove any 1x1 islands on the map.
      • hasAdjacentLand

        private boolean hasAdjacentLand​(int x,
                                        int y)
        Do the given coordinates correspond to a location in the land map with adjacent land? Note: does not check the tile at the coordinates itself.
        x - The x coordinate to check.
        y - The y coordinate to check.
        True if this tile has adjacent land.
      • newPositions

        private java.util.List<Map.Position> newPositions​(Map.Position position,
                                                          int distanceToEdge)
        Get the positions surrounding a central position that are potential valid land positions.
        position - The central Position to work from.
        distanceToEdge - The preferred distance to the map edge.
        A list of suitable Positions.
      • growLand

        private void growLand​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int distanceToEdge)
        Determines, based on position, number of adjacent land tiles and some random factor, whether a given map position should be set to land. This is called for all valid map positions adjacent to a position that has been set to land by #setLand(int,int), and may recursively call setLand for the current position.
        x - The x coordinate to grow land at.
        y - The y coordinate to grow land at.
        distanceToEdge - The preferred distance to the map edge.
      • addLandMass

        private int addLandMass​(int minSize,
                                int maxSize,
                                int x,
                                int y,
                                int distanceToEdge)
        Create a new land mass (unconnected to existing land masses) of size up to maxSize, and adds it to the current map if it is at least minSize.
        minSize - Minimum number of tiles in the land mass.
        maxSize - Maximum number of tiles in the land mass.
        x - Optional starting x coordinate (chosen randomly if negative).
        y - Optional starting y coordinate (chosen randomly if negative).
        distanceToEdge - The preferred distance to the map edge.
        The number of tiles added.