Interface TransactionListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TransactionListener
    Interface for classes which listen to transactions in market
    • Method Detail

      • logPurchase

        void logPurchase​(GoodsType goodsType,
                         int amount,
                         int price)
        Logs a purchase
        goodsType - The type of goods which have been purchased
        amount - The amount of goods which have been purchased
        price - The unit price of the goods
      • logSale

        void logSale​(GoodsType goodsType,
                     int amount,
                     int price,
                     int tax)
        Logs a sale
        goodsType - The type of goods which have been sold
        amount - The amount of goods which have been sold
        price - The unit price of the goods
        tax - The tax which has been applied