The Continental Congress

As the player generates Liberty Bells, Founding Fathers are elected to the Continental Congress. The Founding Fathers are historical figures who played a more or less important part in the conquest of the New World. Each Founding Father grants the player a new bonus or ability, or causes a certain event to occur, much like the ``Wonders of the World'' in the Civilization series. At the beginning of the game, you will need only a few Liberty Bells to elect a Founding Father to the Continental Congress, but as the game progresses this number may increase to many hundred Bells.

Adam Smith (1723-1790), better known as the Father of Modern Economics, penned several texts pertaining to Economic theory, including, ``The Wealth of Nations'' his most famous text. As soon as Adam Smith joins the Continental Congress, the player is allowed to build factories, which produce 1.5 units of manufactured goods for each unit of raw material consumed. Image wikipedia

Jacob Fugger II (1459-1525) was an extremely wealthy German merchant and banker who amassed a fortune with family partnerships and stock holdings in the mining industries. As soon as Jacob Fugger joins the Continental Congress, all Boycotts currently in effect are dropped. Image wikipedia

Peter Minuit (1580-1638) bought what later became known as Manhattan Island from Native Americans for about 60 Dutch guilders. He later colonized the Delware Bay area as well. As soon as Peter Minuit is elected to the Continental Congress, the Indians no longer demand payment for their land. Image wikipedia

Peter Stuyvesant (1592-1672) was appointed Governor General of the New Netherlands, which, after a British invasion he could not stop, became New York. With the election of Peter Stuyvesant, the construction of custom houses becomes possible. Image wikipedia

Jan de Witt (1625-1672) was a great Dutch statesmen. He represented the merchants and a encouraged industry and commerce. He also negotiated several important treaties for the Dutch to end wars with England. As soon as Jan de Witt is a member of the Continental Congress, trade with foreign colonies becomes possible. Image wikipedia

Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) was one of the greatest explorers to navigate the globe. Magellan was first to circumnavigate the globe and cross the Pacific Ocean. Magellan's election to the Continental Congress increases the movement of all naval vessels by one, and the time to sail between Europe and the New World is reduced. Image wikipedia

Francisco Vázquez de Coronado (1510-1554) was the first European explorer to see the Grand Canyon. Though he never found the golden cities he searched for, his mapping of the area now called the Southwestern US was important to further exploration. As soon as Francisco de Coronado joins the Continental Congress, all existing colonies become visible on the map. Image wikipedia

Hernando de Soto (1496-1542) was the first European to explore Florida and the southeastern US. He also held a prominent role in conquests of Central America. If Hernando de Soto is a member of the Continental Congress, the exploration of Lost City Rumours always yields a positive result, and all land units have an extended sight radius. Image wikipedia

Henry Hudson (1565-1611) was an English navigator who explored and mapped a large area of the northeastern North American continent. Many waterways in that region are named in his honour. His original goal was to find the famed Northwest Passage. The election of Henry Hudson to the Continental Congress doubles the output of all Fur Trappers. Image wikipedia

Robert La Salle (1643-1687) was the first European to travel the length of the Mississippi river, while on a mission to set up numerous trading posts along its banks. He later claimed the whole basin as Louisiana in honor of the French King. Later, he explored several of the Great Lakes. If Robert La Salle is a member of the Continental Congress, all colonies gain a stockade as soon as their population reaches three colonists. Image wikipedia

Hernán Cortés (1485-1547) was a famed Spanish conquistador who overthrew the Aztec Empire and claimed Mexico for Spain. As soon as Hernán Cortés joins the Continental Congress, conquered native settlements always yield treasure (and in greater abundance) and the King's galleons transport it free of charge. Image wikipedia

George Washington (1732-1799) was the general who lead the colonial army to victory over the British to gain independence for the colonies. This victory and his leadership led to his being named the new nation's first President. If George Washington is a member of the Continental Congress, any soldier or dragoon who wins a combat is automatically upgraded to the next possible level. Image wikipedia

Paul Revere (1734-1818) was the famed rider of colonial America who mounted his horse and rode through the countryside alerting colonists that British soldiers were coming. He was captured during the ride and later released when his captors believed they were in grave danger and their prisoner might slow them down. With Paul Revere a member of the Continental Congress, a colonist automatically takes up any stockpiled muskets and defends an otherwise undefended colony if it is attacked. Image wikipedia

Francis Drake (1542-1596) was a great English sea captain, the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe and a hero in the fights against the Spanish Armada. The presence of Francis Drake in the Continental Congress increases the combat strength of all Privateers by 50%. Image wikipedia

John Paul Jones (1741-1792) was hailed as a great sea captain in America, and uttered the famous words "Sir, I have not yet begun to fight" while fighting the British at sea. He later watched his ship sink to the bottom of the ocean from the deck of a British vessel. As soon as John Paul Jones is elected to the Continental Congress, a Frigate is added to your colonial navy for free. Image wikipedia

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), a powerful voice of patriotism, was credited with writing the Declaration of Independence. He later became the 3rd President of the US. The election of Thomas Jefferson to the Continental Congress increases Liberty Bell production in colonies by 50%. Image wikipedia

Pocahontas (1595-1617) was a peacemaker between early Jamestown settlers and the Native Americans. She is credited with sending food and other supplies to starving colonists there during harsh times. She later converted to Christianity and married an Englishman. When Pocahontas joins the Continental Congress, all tension levels between you and natives are removed and Indian alarm is generated half as fast. Image wikipedia

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) inspired colonists with his pen at the urging of Benjamin Franklin. He published a pamphlet, "Common Sense", guiding the thoughts of patriots all over the colonies. The election of Thomas Paine to the Continental Congress increases Liberty Bell production in all your colonies by the value of the current tax rate. Image wikipedia

Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) is remembered as a great leader in the struggle for South American independence from Spain. Bolívar freed what is now Venezuela and later became its first President. When Simón Bolívar joins the Continental Congress, the Sons of Liberty membership in all existing colonies is increased by 20%. Image wikipedia

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), a heavy contributor to the Declaration of Independence, was one of the voices of the Revolution. He traveled extensively between Europe and the colonies, and gained the support of the French in the war. As soon as Benjamin Franklin is elected to the Continental Congress, the King's foreign wars no longer have effect on relationships in the New World, and Europeans in the New World always offer peace in negotiations. Image wikipedia

William Brewster (1567-1644) was the Puritan leader of the Plymouth colony in New England. As soon as William Brewster joins the Continental Congress, criminals or indentured servants no longer appear on the docks and you can select which immigrant in the recruitment pool to move to the docks. Image wikipedia

William Penn (1644-1718), a close friend of the Duke of York, was granted the land that is mostly Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. He governed the Quaker colony for several years to provide a haven to fellow Quakers. The election of William Penn increases cross production in all colonies by 50%. Image wikipedia

Father Jean de Brébeuf (1593-1649) befriended the Huron Indians and converted many to Christianity. He died at the hands of the Iroquois who had finally defeated their enemy, the Hurons. With Jean de Brebeuf a member of the Continental Congress, all missionaries function as experts. Image wikipedia

Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda (1781-1872) was a Spanish theologian who spoke out for the conquest of Indian lands and forced evangelization of the natives. The election of Juan de Sepulveda to the Continental Congress increases the chance that a subjugated Indian settlement will ``convert'' and join a colony. Image wikipedia

Bartolomé de las Casas (1474-1566) was a Catholic Priest who traveled the Indies converting Indians and chastising Spain for their treatment of the Natives. When Bartolomé de las Casas joins the Continental Congress, all existing Indian converts become free colonists. Image wikipedia

Stian Grenborgen 2009-01-14