Class FileOptionUI

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class FileOptionUI
    extends OptionUI<FileOption>
    This class provides visualization for a FileOption in order to enable values to be both seen and changed.
    • Field Detail

      • panel

        private final javax.swing.JPanel panel
      • fileField

        private final javax.swing.JTextField fileField
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileOptionUI

        public FileOptionUI​(GUI gui,
                            FileOption option,
                            boolean editable)
        Creates a new FileOptionUI for the given FileOption.
        gui - The GUI to create a change dialog on.
        option - The FileOption to make a user interface for.
        editable - boolean whether user can modify the setting
    • Method Detail

      • setValue

        public void setValue​( f)
        Sets the value of this UI's component.
        f - The new File value.
      • getComponent

        public javax.swing.JPanel getComponent()
        Get the Component used to set the value of the Option.
        Specified by:
        getComponent in class OptionUI<FileOption>
        a JComponent value