The Menubar

The menubar contains the Game, View, Orders, Report and Colopedia submenus at the left hand of the screen, as well as a status area at the right hand of the screen. The status area displays your score, the amount of gold you possess, your current tax rate and the current turn.

The Game Menu allows you to:

The View Menu allows you to:

The Orders Menu enables you to give orders to the currently selected unit:

Note that not all orders are available at all times. The build colony order is only available if the unit is able to build colonies and the tile it is on will support a colony, for example. The unload order is only available if the unit is carrying goods. You can unload the goods anywhere, but if you are not in Europe or in a colony, the goods will be lost. You can use this feature to dump unwanted cargo in order to avoid the cargo penalty.

The Reports Menu provides access to various reports on the current state of your colonies. In these reports, icons as well as text strings of a greyish-brown colour link to the places they refer to. If you click on the name of a colony, for example, the Colony Panel will be opened.

The Colopedia Menu provides access to the online game help, which is divided into eight sections:

Stian Grenborgen 2009-01-14